Dental Crown Services With Dr. Nishan Halim

If you have a damaged or weak tooth, try dental crowns. Dr. Nishan Halim is a Washington, DC, dentist who provides dental crowns to patients who need to cover and protect their teeth. He uses dental crowns to address damaged, misshapen, or discolored teeth, as well as hold dental bridges in place or cover dental implants.

Dentists mainly use dental crowns to protect teeth from decay and other damage caused by tooth decay. They cement them directly onto the tooth or place them over a filling material that they put into a cavity. Crowns are usually made out of porcelain or gold. Patients generally prefer porcelain crowns because they look better than gold crowns. They are permanent crowns.

Our crowns are custom-fit to each patient and made of sturdy porcelain ceramic material. Porcelain crowns strengthen weak teeth and blend in with remaining natural teeth. Learn more about this restorative dental treatment we provide below.

What Do Tooth Crowns Treat?

Tooth crowns are one of the most versatile tools that a dentist has to use. Since they cover the entire tooth, they can treat both cosmetic and restorative dental concerns.

Aesthetically, a crown can take care of staining that isn’t responsive to traditional whitening techniques. Dr. Halim will color-match your tooth crowns to whatever shade you desire so that they blend in with the rest of your smile. They can also completely cover a misshapen tooth or one with a defect, evening out your smile.

For restorative purposes, Dr. Halim will use crowns to stabilize the tooth after you’ve had a root canal. While the interior of your tooth is filled with a biocompatible material and it’s then sealed, a dental crown helps ensure you still get the full functionality of your tooth. It can also help seal out bacteria and prevent further tooth decay.

If you have a tooth severely damaged by tooth decay or trauma, a crown can allow you to keep the natural tooth root and its benefits. A crown holds the tooth together and ensures it’s stable to use. With a broken or cracked tooth, a crown replaces the parts of the tooth that have broken off, making your tooth whole again.

Crowns can help strengthen your natural teeth. Traditional dental bridges use your natural teeth to anchor them. But that’s a lot of stress for your tooth to take on. These teeth are more likely to wear down prematurely or suffer from issues like tooth decay or breakage. Dental crowns on these teeth can take on that stress instead of your natural teeth. It minimizes risk to your actual tooth structure.

A custom dental crown is the most common final restoration for a dental implant. Each dental crown is custom-made for your smile. We match the size, shape, and shade of the rest of your teeth so that the crown fits perfectly in your smile. It both looks and feels the most like your natural teeth.

Dental Crown Treatment

To begin treatment, Dr. Halim will thoroughly examine the teeth, gums, and jaw joints. Using diagnostic X-rays, he can easily find hidden signs of decay, stress, and instability. This exam will help Dr. Halim design a personalized dental crown process and treatment plan.

Once we finalize your treatment plan, Dr. Halim will prepare the teeth by removing a small amount of the natural tooth structure to accommodate the dental crown. He may provide a temporary crown while we wait for the final restoration.

Dr. Halim can then coordinate the rest of your dental crown procedure with specialists and lab technicians. Lab technicians use the images and impressions of the tooth that Dr. Halim takes to fabricate a custom tooth crown. Once the new crown is ready, Dr. Halim recommends specialists who can permanently bond the crown to the affected tooth.

Dental Crowns Frequently Asked Questions

Is is painfull to receive dental crowns?

No, your dentist will use a local anesthetic to numb the tooth or multiple teeth receiving the tooth crown. You may feel sore after receiving one or more crowns, but you can treat it with ice packs and pain medication.

Can tooth crowns fall out?

Tooth crowns can sometimes become loose due to dental problems like tooth damage or decay. During routine visits, Dr. Halim will monitor the condition of your dental crown and your natural teeth. If you notice any changes in the fit or comfort of your crown, contact our Washington, DC, dental office. We will schedule an appointment for you to see the dentist right away.

Am I a candidate for tooth crowns?

Even if you break or damage your, you can still receive a dental crown if the tooth root is intact. Even then, patients with missing teeth can receive dental implants, dentures, or dental bridges, including dental crowns. Bone grafting is also an option for patients who do not have sufficient bone structure for dental implants and crowns. If patients have tooth decay or gum disease, a dentist and a periodontist must treat these infections before your dental crown treatment.

Are dental crowns permanent?

Dental crowns are not permanent; however, they can last for many years with proper care and maintenance. The lifespan of a dental crown depends on factors such as the material dentist uses, the oral hygiene of the patient, and the amount of wear and tear it undergoes. Generally, dental crowns can last anywhere from 5 to 15 years or longer with proper care. However, you may need to replace them if they become loose or if the underlying tooth experiences decay or gum disease.

How long after getting a crown can I eat?

You should wait around 30-45 minutes after leaving the dentist office to eat after getting a crown. Ensure that the local anesthetic has worn off completely before you eat so you don’t accidentally bite your tongue or cheek without realizing it. Avoid biting down directly on the crown right away, and don’t eat extremely sticky or hard foods, as this can cause issues with the crown. You should still be practicing good oral hygiene.

How long will it take for a dental crown to feel natural?

When you get a dental restoration, it feels odd in your mouth to start. With a dental crown, it can often feel bigger than your natural teeth, even though it isn’t. In about two weeks, the crown will completely settle in your mouth. It’ll start to feel like a natural tooth, and you won’t even be able to tell that it’s a restoration.

Contact our Washington, DC dental office!

Treat your broken, chipped, cracked, or otherwise damaged teeth with tooth crowns. Call Dr. Halim for comprehensive dental procedures today at 202-543-2020. You can also request an appointment with Dr. Halim on our website. If you have any remaining questions about dental crowns or other restorative dental treatments, let Dr. Halim or a member of his dental team know at your next consultation. We can also answer any questions you may have about dental insurance. They will be happy to clarify any confusion or concerns that you may have.

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